We finished the weekend in PA strong winning our last two regular season duals after a 18-16 win over Bucknell on Friday and a 32-9 win over Bloomsburg on Saturday. Vincent DePrez (157), Zack Zupan (165), Steve Schneider (174), Calleb Wallace (197), and Tyler Deuel (HWT) all picked up a pair of wins this weekend.
We wrestled really strong against Bloomsburg. David White (125) started off the match with a 20-9 major decision win againt Jon Haas. At 141, Dylan Caruana started off his match with Tanner Cahill of the Huskies with a takedown in the first few seconds. Caruana kept dominance throughout the match and racked up his riding time. He ended up winning by a 12-4 major decision. Zack Zupan (165) also recorded a major decision win for the Bearcats, beating Kurt Meske 12-4 after recording 5 takedowns, 1 escape, and a point for riding time.

the Huskies. Deuel (pictured to the right) did not waste any time taking down his opponent, Dominic Carfagno. He continued to turn him to his back to earn 6 near fall points in the first period. Deuel was hungry for a pin, but instead ended up winning by a 20-1 technical fall early in the third period.
We finished the regular season with a 9-10 record.
We will return to the mat at the Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association (EIWA) Championships March 6-7. BU will send 10 wrestlers to Lehigh for the event. Check my previous blog post for ticketing information & prices.
Post by Marissa Sarfati (msarfat1@binghamton.edu)